Week 5
1 After seeing the documentary "RiP! A Remix Manifesto," what did you find most interesting/surprising/alarming in the video as it relates to the First Amendment or freedom of expression? Please cite an EXAMPLE or two from the documentary, AND relate it to your own experience.
The freedom or lack there of within the constitution is surprising and in some ways alarming. If I were to tell a secret to an entire room, I wouldn’t be able to reasonably be upset for people repeating or sharing that information. By sharing that with them it then became just as much their knowledge as mine. Which is exactly how I view the music industry. If you are going to get on stage in front of hundreds of thousands of people. You should not be so alarmed and upset by the fact that your music is being used and shared, as you shared it with them. When Jamie Thomas spoke of downloading a total of 24 songs, and how doing that action turned her life upside down. That shocked me to be completely honest. I was shocked that they could take up to 25% of her wages in order to get her money back. I really liked what was said about the record and music industry changing. How the business model of music does change and what could of been a logical well written business model in 1909 wouldn't necessarily stand in 2009.
2 What questions or concerns do you have about copyright or limits on creativity?
Concerns I had after viewing this documentary, were that our creativity is so limited! In order to genuinely be coming up with creative and original content, we need access to all different platforms of art. Whether it be television, music, books, paintings ect. Everyone pulls inspiration from another place and creates their own new content. Just because an artist portrays their work in one way, doesn't mean it should be a copyright infringement to have it portrayed in a different way to a different audience. I am curious as to of how so many things are acceptable copy rights and so many things are not. There seems to be a fine invisible line, and if I were someone who interacted more in a business way or other ways regarding music or others work. I would be very worried about the copy right infringements. I do not understand how companies could of taken so much money from people who “stole” music from them yet keep it as their own money and not think twice about not giving a penny of it to any of the musicians. I understand the point of prohibiting copyright infringement but what I do not understand is putting people in a financial hard place for their benefit or as punishment. As an artist, I would of much rather preferred to simply have those who downloaded my music pay the normal price they would of regularly for downloading my music.
3 Write about an instance where you think an artist/writer/musician, the media or a group or individuals went too far in exercising their freedom of speech or of the press
There are many instances in which I have either myself seen or believed that people were going a little too far. Such as Lady Gaga using her platform to exercise animal rights by wearing a meat dress back in 2010 to the MTV music awards. And other abuses of freedom of speech included to Donald Trumps twitter page. Just because you can post things to the internet, and say things in which you feel secure in saying. Does not mean that is the right or correct thing to do. I personally think it is hilarious that his wives mission as the first lady is to stop cyberbullying yet her husband is currently one of the largest twitter bullies out there.
4 Be sure to share your take on the incident. What actions should be taken in response?
I think many of these incidents occur because of others being outraged. Freedom is defiantly something to be jealous of and have be coveted, however sharing that in a way that is conducive to explain your point is critical. If there were harsher regulations on social media, what could and could not be posted and shared I believe that the productivity and benefit to obtain a more safe and positive environment is idea.
1 What do you think of actions by WikiLeaks? Good? Bad? Useful? Irresponsible?
I think the point of WikiLeaks in the aspect of informing others, is a good
idea. However I do not feel the explicit content and video is needed for all of
public to know about.The information and content can be helpful, however for all
of the general public to know I do not think it is responsible.
2 EXPLAIN why you feel that way.
The generation I am living in, this time period we are in. Videos and evidence are
commonly edited in order to portray a certain argument or opinion. Everyone is
allowed to have their old opinions, however finding pure and original content and
sources of information is hard. Which is a reasons I do not think WikiLeaks is a
completely terrible thing. But I do think that the content being shared is viewed in
a negative light as well and is perceived in a negative light.
3 Give an EXAMPLE to support your point of view.
I may be biased, but I am the daughter of a police officer. Because of this being a
part of my life, I am very well educated and aware of all the controversial things in
which occur on a daily basis regarding law enforcement. This provides me with the
skeptical outlook on certain information shared on the internet. Which to an extent
is very good, to be aware and conscious that not all things shared on the internet
are real. The viral videos of police brutality are shared in a negative light to
degrade and discredit our law enforcement. Similar to how I believe and assume
that these videos shared of military, are the uncut footage. However those who seek
these videos out are not military supporters. They are viewed mostly by un
educated and negatively concerned citizens who view this as a way to strike
against america. Knowledge is power, and as much as I believe in freedom of
speech I do feel that some national news and information should be kept private.
4 How do you feel about the current state of free speech, access to information/internet or freedom of expression/creativity? Be specific about your stance (e.g. I'm fine because ... or note why you are concerned by government transparency or restrictive copyright rules ... or proposed new FCC rules on net neutrality …)
In the country I live in, I do believe that the freedom of speech is extremely open.
WikiLeaks provides a place to assume that we are not being given all the proper
information. There are many information sources and portals in which try and
portray an idea in which we are not given all of the information. Like I said so in
America, I feel I have access to information because things like loss of
internet,restricted television or required dress code. These are attributes of the
society you can find in North Korea. A YouTube video that caught my eye, a
speech given by Yeonmi Park’s was a story I found far before I even began taking
this course. North Korea’s government has complete control over all of their
knowledge and information. Because of the complete control and lack of freedom
these people have, their lives are very limited and they live life in constant fear.
5 Give an EXAMPLE to illustrate your point.
An example that I have in which I drew from Yeonmi Park’s story, about how her
and her mother escaped from North Korea. She shared a testimony where as a
young child she witnessed a family friend murdered in broad day light for dis
obeying the rules enforced by the government. The reason for her death? Viewing a
hollywood movie. That was her reason for death. Ludicrous. It is 2017, no where
on this planet should conduct behavior like this. Thankfully Yeonmi Park and her
mother were able to escape from North Korea, however if they got caught by the
government they were prepared to kill one another, because death would be better
then returning to their home land.
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