Week 1 Forum

         Topic One

          My name which you may have gathered by now, is Mariah Edgecomb. I am an incoming Junior, at both Oregon State University and Linn Benton Community College as I am dual enrolled. I hope to obtain a degree in New Media Communications, while minoring in Business Entrepreneurship. I currently am employed at Dutch Bros. Coffee, here in Corvallis. While that is not my dream job, it is a fun part time job to have while going to school. My hope for a future career, is something in the media industry. I would like to either work with marketing with a social media platform, or on a news network. 

Seeing as I hope to work in the social media industry, I hope to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the impacts social media has on our society. Recently I have realized, how easy it is to become over stimulated. We’re are constantly exposed to pictures, and sounds. Through music, radio, television, billboards, cell phones, ect. I have been more conscious since my spring term ended, going into summer I like to have a positive mindset. Realizing the things I view via social media may not be setting my up for the most success, therefore I have taken advantage on my ability to monitor what I see when I am using social media.

            Outside of, in and around school like I previously mentioned I work part time at a coffee shop. I also hold an executive position in my sorority in which is risk management. I asses the risk of social interactions and situations in which we partake in and host. I also monitor our social media of our entire chapter ensuring that there is nothing posted by any member in which violates a set social media contract in which each member has signed. I also enjoy running, Corvallis is a very quaint and beautiful town, my preferred way of exploring it is on my foot mobile. I am preparing over the summer to be an intern with the Oregon State Athletics Department as a Media and Promotions intern. 

         Topic Two

            I have always been wary of sources, as I enjoy learning facts and spewing them off at friends and family in random times. In which I have been asked “where did you hear that” as well as “not everything you read on the internet is true.” Therefore I stopped taking information off of yahoo answers. When writing papers I really enjoy the Huffington post, because I feel very sure it is accurate information. Also the Huffington post has a high number of readers, meaning that their articles are shared on many different social media plat forms. I also feel that any news station, meaning Fox, KGW news, K2 News etc. are platforms that have a very high number of daily viewers and high exposure. Lastly and most realistically Facebook is very powerful. Both in a positive and negative way. It is a mix of personal as well as informational information. I do enjoy frequenting Facebook for that reason, being able to view personal, national, and worldwide news with one platform is very convenient and diverse. 

       The phrase “Fake News” has become a phrase in which my friends and I use, to describe something that didn't actually happen. Referencing a lie. Since listing to Stephanie Busari’s TED talk about the chibouk girls in Nigeria being kidnapped I have gained a new view of that phrase. Hearing about how it prolonged the finding of these girls and endangered their lives. I feel as if at times you do believe who you are asking is a credible source, this is proof that may not be true. The reporters are the sole reason in which any of these girls were found.

             Main sources in which I don't think are credible sources are a lot of the magazines near the check out lines of grocery stores, or in airports. These magazines share flashy headlines that are intended to grab readers attention quickly. Many of these magazines inattentive is to make money. That is their underlying cause for publishing such things is to make money. There may be a shed of truth in the information, political campaigns are guilty of this as well. 



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